[Showme-devel] Fwd: DebConf16 style guide: ShowMeBox designs...

Bernelle Verster bernellev at gmail.com
Wed Oct 21 13:02:46 UTC 2015

General email incompetence today...

These are great, three things it brings to mind to me:
1. What is the difference between an icon and a logo, Siri? Sounds
like we need a 'Debian inside' icon to be made available for general
use. This leads to:
2. I think I should take the general 'Debian inside' and even "OSHW
certified" to the Debian Publicity team to hear their thoughts. Tammy
suggested the Style guide idea for Debian as well, the time may be
right for it now.
3. These discussions are great for teasing out what we're doing, in
general, thanks! Would be interesting to get Kris's views on these.


On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 2:31 PM, Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk> wrote:
> Quoting Siri Reiter (2015-10-21 12:43:40)
>> On 21-10-2015 09:26, Bernelle Verster wrote:
>>> We would need a logo for the ShowMeBox in due course, would you be
>>> willing to design something?
> [...]
>> If you don't thing you have any creative input, I'd still like
>> comments on whether we want this to be strongly tied to/ part of
>> DebConf16 in it's essence, or something more in it's own right. Even
>> if it's said earlier, repeat it. We need the strong "why".
> I envision the ShowMeBox as not specific to Debconf16 - and possibly not
> specific to Debconf in general either.  I don't even see ShowMeBox as
> specifically tied to data visualizations.  In fact, I deliberately
> called the Alioth project just "ShowMe" to be open about whether it is
> "boxes" that are "boxed"...
> To me, a ShowMeBox is a runtime showcase of purely Debian.  To show to
> any "me" - be it a Debian developers at Debconf, Debian users in
> schools, parents of aspiring Debianites, and business leaders at venues.
> Makes sense to me to put a Debian swirl on any laptop running Debian or
> Ubuntu or Knoppix, as that signals "Debian inside".  I would love to
> have a logo signalling that there's a lid on the thing - i.e. no derived
> candy has been added on top - that it is "Debian-only inside".
> Many years ago, some Debian developers made an Apple SE that ran Debian
> and continuously scrolled source code of Debian on the screen - to use
> at computer venues.  To mee that was the first ShowMeBox.
> For the upcoming ShowMeBox event at Debconf16, I believe it is realistic
> to brand the boxes as both "Debian-only inside" and "OSHW certified",
> and it would be great to introduce a logo to go with the former.
> Vague concrete suggestions are a) a Debian swirl with a square around,
> or b) a Debian swirl within a 3D cube wireframe.  Perhaps go as far as
> taking the 3d cube design from the FreedomBox logo, make it greyscale
> (to indicate that ShowMeBoxes comes in many flavors) and put a Debian
> swirl inside to indicate it is _Debian_ not a derivation.  I would then
> _not_ add an open lid with "visualizations" coming out of it - as that
> is both a) specific to _this_ particular ShowMeBox to do data
> visualizations, and b) might wrongly signal that the box contains
> (boring) Debian + (exciting) non-Debian data.
>  - Jonas
> --
>  * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
>  * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/
>  [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private
> --
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