[Soc-coordination] Google Summer of Code 2011 Mentor Summit

Piotr Ozarowski ozarow at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 07:37:27 UTC 2011

[Obey Arthur Liu, 2011-07-29]
> You might have seen the mail, we are invited to send 3 mentors to the Google
> Summer of Code 2001 Mentor Summit in Mountain View, California on October

If it's 2001, then I definitely want to go ;)

> 21-23 2011.
> Note that we are allowed 3 instead of 2 because we also participated in the
> Google Code-in.
> If you have been an admin or mentor this year or a previous year, please
> reply in if you'd like to come.

I'd be happy to come, but I'm new to GSoC (mentor for the first time) so
if someone else wants to go, please go ahead.

> Please also include your city of departure
> at the time of the summit so we can have a ballpark estimate of costs.

Wrocław (WRO)
Piotr Ożarowski                         Debian GNU/Linux Developer
www.ozarowski.pl          www.griffith.cc           www.debian.org
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