[Soc-coordination] Google Code-In kick start

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Fri Oct 28 18:26:56 UTC 2011

On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 03:48:29PM +0200, Bastian Blank wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 09:02:31AM +0100, Olly Betts wrote:
> > One thing I picked up which might be useful - it's fine for a task to
> > be fairly generic, so you can create 100 "fix a difficult bug in the
> > Debian BTS" tasks and another 100 "fix an easy bug in the BTS" bugs,
> > and similarly for "moderate".  Then if the student picks a bug you can
> > tell them if it is easy/moderate/hard and so which sort of task to
> > claim.  You can obviously do this for a number of sorts of task, not
> > just bugs.
> If it is okay to do such generic tasks (my other participating project
> does not), we can fill that rather easy.

It certainly helps for some categories (like "code" and "qa"), but you
need a certain minimum number of tasks in each of the categories and
some seem less amenable to this approach.

> > I felt last year that GCI didn't really work as well for Debian as
> > GSoC did - the biggest problem seemed to be that students can only have
> > one task claimed at a time, so they're eager to get completed tasks
> > reviewed so they can move on to another task.
> No. The student can claim another task after the last was submitted. At
> least that is what I read on the GCI page.

OK, that has changed since last year, and should make things much less
stressful for us.  So we just need to make sure tasks are promptly
reviewed near the end, or at least warn students that tasks submitted
less than X days before the end may not get reviewed in time.

> Right now we need a task list. A page on wiki.d.o will be sufficient. We
> can fill it with generic or specific task.

You'll want to be able to import the tasks to melange without having
to retype the list, which means something you can massage with a script
into CSV format is good.  Something with suitable formatting on the wiki
would work.


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