[Soc-coordination] [Package Tracking System rewrite] Week 9 - August 16 - Status Report

Marko Lalic marko.lalic at gmail.com
Fri Aug 16 19:47:50 UTC 2013


As stated in the previous report, the week included a bit more work
than what was presented in the plan. The following features have been

- Some improvements to handling downloading package sources for the
purposes of any sort of source file manipulation (currently extracting
copyright/changelog/rules/control files). For example, added a setting
which limits the size of this source package cache so it cannot keep
growing to a huge size.

- A framework for creating "action needed" issues. Allows any part of
the PTS to create a model instance of an issue that a package has. All
of these issues are displayed in decreasing severity order in a new
"action needed" panel. This feature replaces the currently existing
todos and problems panels.
  Along with a short description of the issue, a longer description
can be set which is then displayed in a popup when the user clicks on
a question mark next to the item in the panel or in a separate page
with Javascript disabled.

- Converted and adapted previously implemented todo/panel items to the
new action needed framework. This means all the items have shorter
descriptions, with the longer ones being moved to the detailed
description of the item.

- Implemented build log check action needed items and links. An item
is displayed in the action needed panel when there are known buildd
warnings or errors. If the package only has warnings, the severity of
the item is set to low, otherwise it is high. Links to the buildd
issue summary, build for experimental (if the package is actually
found in the experimental repository) and unofficial ports, as well as
the clang build logs are added to the links panel.

- Watch file information summary:
  - Creates action needed items if DEHS data (retrieved from UDD)
indicates that there is a new upstream version.
   - Creates an action needed item if the DEHS data shows any watch
file failures. The actual warning is shown in the details of the
action item.
   - If the watch file is broken, an action item is added.
   - If there is a new watch file available, an action item is added.

- Security issue information. Creates an action item for packages
which have security issues found by the security tracker.

All this is currently deployed on http://pts.debian.net.

The plan for next week includes the following stories:

- WNPP derived information. Creates action items if the package (or
one of its dependencies) has a WNPP bug.

- Ubuntu information for Debian developers. This is the currently
available ubuntu panel. Shows the version of the package in Ubuntu,
the bug count, link to any existing Ubuntu patches for the package.

- RSS news feed. Includes both the news (as displayed in the news
panel) and the action needed items.

- Release goals tracking information. Create action needed items if
the package contains any release goal bugs. Display the links to the
bugs in the detailed description.

- Piuparts test status information. Action needed items created if the
package is failing the piuparts (un)installation test in one of the
defined suites. It is possible to configure which suites are
considered by the update task.

- Access popcon stats page -- a link in the links panel to the popcon
page of the package.

- Browse and search package source code. Link to the
sources.debian.net page for the package (the latest version) and a
form which directly searches the source (by submitting to
http://codesearch.debian.net) if the package is found in the unstable

That's it for now. Thanks for reading.

Marko Lalić

email: marko.lalic at gmail.com
mobile: +387 61 817 681
web: www.eestec-sa.ba

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