[Soc-coordination] [Package Tracking System rewrite] Week 4 - July 12 - Status Report

Marko Lalic marko.lalic at gmail.com
Fri Jul 12 21:52:57 UTC 2013


In the previous iteration all planned stories were successfully
completed. This means the following is complete and deployed:

- See general information about a package on its Web page.
   - In order to get the information, a new framework for task
execution had to be implemented. It allows PTS developers to define
tasks along with its dependencies and then automatically executes all
tasks in the correct order.
   - Allows vendors to implement a hook function which provides
additional information about the uploaders and maintainer of a
package. In Debian's case this is whether the contributor is a Debian
maintainer [1] and if he agrees with low threshold NMU [2].
   - Also allows vendors to define a function which provides a link to
a page with more information about a maintaner/uploader. In Debian's
case it returns a link to the developer's QA page.
   - If the email of a maintainer/uploader is a known mailing list,
display a link to its archives

- See versions of a package in monitored repositories. Equivalent to
the "versions" box in the current PTS. Gives a download link for the
package's .dsc file for each repository, along with the version.
Places a link to the directory of the package in the default
repository. Also lets vendors implement a function which returns a
list of URLs to external version information sites. For Debian those
are madison [4] and the snapshot archive [5].

- Add a new keyword. PTS admins can use a management command to add a
new keyword to be used to tag messages sent to package mailing lists.
It allows them to optionally specify an existing keyword so that all
users which have that keyword in their default list of keywords or as
one of their subscription specific keywords get the new keyword

- See binary packages of a source package on its Web page - the
"binaries" box in the current PTS.

This week probably has the most tangible results that you can see on
http://pts.debian.net. Apart from the package pages now having actual
information displayed, you can also see the search (and autocomplete)
really in action.

This week's plan is:

- Updates to the documentation: fix formatting to be in Sphinx syntax
across the board, add some high-level design documentation and fill in
some possibly missing API documentation.

- See important package links - basic framework. Allow developers to
easily embed their own links to the equivalent of the current PTS'
"links" box. Add the link to a package homepage.

- See recent news on a package. If the news item is signed, displays
who signed it.

- See details of a news item. News can be various different content
types, each with a special rendering mechanism: html, email, plain
text, RST. The content of the news is rendered based on its content

- See bug statistics on a package page. Provide a way for vendors to
return the bug categories and bug statistics for each category.
Display a panel equivalent to the current "bugs" box for each package.

Some work preparing new stories and their acceptance tests is also a
part of this week's plan.

That's it for this time. Thanks for reading.

Kind regards,

[1] http://ftp-master.debian.org/dm.txt
[2] http://wiki.debian.org/LowThresholdNmu
[3] http://qa.debian.org/developer.php
[4] http://qa.debian.org/madison.php
[5] http://snapshot.debian.org/
Marko Lalić

email: marko.lalic at gmail.com
mobile: +387 61 817 681
web: www.eestec-sa.ba

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