[Soc-coordination] GSoC Students: Information about your reports

Sukhbir Singh sukhbir.in at gmail.com
Sun Jun 23 18:13:54 UTC 2013

Hi everyone,

Thanks for sending in your reports. Some points which we thought we
should elaborate:

- Because there was some confusion about this: the Friday deadline is a
  hard deadline. As for the time zone, as long as it is Friday in some
  part of the world, you should be good :)

- If you are busy for some reason and cannot send your report on Friday,
  you can send it before that. If that is also not possible, just email
  us in advance -- we understand you can get busy and that is fine, but
  you should communicate this to us.

- You can continue blogging/logging your progress wherever you want or
  your mentor wants, but you have to send a copy of the report to this
  mailing list.

- You should have a plan for the next week which details what you will
  be doing; simply stating that you will be working is not enough.

- While we expect you to be verbose, you don't have to necessarily write
  a full page report. Think of it as this way: you should get your
  message across that you were working for the entire week, detailing
  what you did, in as many words as you would like.

- Please point us to the code repository you will be using for GSoC if
  you haven't already.

We know that this sounds a lot to do, but you will thank us later when
you all complete your GSoC successfully :)

Sukhbir, on behalf of the Debian GSoC admins

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