[Soc-coordination] Weekly Report

Arthur Marble arthur at info9.net
Sat Aug 9 18:45:09 UTC 2014


Here is a progress report.

- audacity              : Bug#757531
- autofs	        : Bug#757038
- bandwidthd            : Bug#757040
- bbrun                 : Bug#757042
- bwm-ng	        : Bug#757167
- covered               : Bug#757263
- crm114                : Bug#757266
- ddccontrol            : Bug#757268
- deborphan             : Bug#757276
- debram                : Bug#757277
- dialign-t	        : Bug#757281
- eggdrop               : Bug#757400
- excellent-bifurcation	: Bug#757406
- flow-tools	        : Bug#757408
- freecdb               : Bug#757409
- garden-of-
  coloured-lights       : Bug#757422
- gargoyle-free	        : Bug#757426
- gngb                  : Bug#757486
- gnokii                : Bug#757494
- hardinfo              : Bug#757525

Not fixed, tried:
- berusky2              : /home/arthur/src/src_Work/berusky2/berusky2-0.10/src/age/graph/box.cpp:89:
                          undefined reference to `mmalloc(unsigned long)'
                          Tried most solutions
- biococoa	        : clang: error: unknown argument: '-fexec-charset=UTF-8' COME BACK TO IT
- cenon.app	        : clang: error: unknown argument: '-fexec-charset=UTF-8' COME BACK
- crimson               : undefined reference to `vtable for Path'
- doxymacs              : clang: error: optimization flag '-fexpensive-optimizations' is not supported
- gmic                  : clang: error: unable to execute command: Killed
- gnustep-back	        : clang: error: unknown argument: '-fexec-charset=UTF-8'

I will work on more Debian package fixes this week.


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