[Soc-coordination] Weekly Status Update for Elektra Configuration Merge

Ian Donnelly ian.s.donnelly at gmail.com
Mon Jul 21 15:54:37 UTC 2014

Hi all,

This week has been very productive for us. We have been working towards a new release of Elektra which will include all the code for the Elektra side of our project. I put in pull requests for the mergecode, the line plugin that I have been writing, as well as some README.md files for plugins to better describe what they do and how they work. Obviously I finished writing the line plugin and wrote a few tests for it using ctest. Also I have been writing a tutorial for writing plugins on my GSoC code. I will link the various parts of the tutorial as they are published. Next week I will be focusing on preparing Elektra for its next release!

Ian S. Donnelly
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