[Surfraw-devel] [Fwd: Bug#223953: surfraw: Additional elvi for wikipedia encyclopedia]
Ian Beckwith
Tue, 16 Dec 2003 16:56:07 +0000
On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 03:17:36PM +0100, Christian Surchi wrote:
> He'll join the list too!
Excellent! One step closer to world domination :)
> Can you resume all the changes between package in sid and cvs now?
As far as I can tell, debian/changelog covers everything since thomas's
upload on september 4th. I've double-checked against cvs logs.
The top entry is included below, let me know if I've missed anything.
surfraw (2.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Ack NMUs. (Closes: #200164, #201229, #209155, #113148, #119357, #131661)
* ..and.. (Closes: #149584, #156466, #141243, #154304, #164206, #141242)
* Moved elvi to /usr/bin/surfraw-elvi. (Closes: #209155, #192869, #201175)
* Provided surfraw-update-path to put new dir in path.
* Added sr as alias to surfraw.
* New elvi: alioth, scpan, deblists. (Closes: #134498)
plus leodict and happypenguin by Moritz Muehlenhoff (Closes: #217799)
and wikipedia, also by Moritz Muehlenhoff (Closes: #223953)
* Fixed elvi: altavista, debcontents, excite, jake, scaleplus,
slinuxdoc, sundocs, swhois, translate.
* amazon: fixed (Closes: #163903), removed tag-id stuff.
* debcontents: changed options to SURFRAW_debcontents_*.
* sourceforge: added -type and -exact options.
* webster: added -t (thesaurus) option.
* debbugs: added options.
* Removed elvi: appwatch, ftpsearch, ftpfind, raging (sites defunct).
* Updated Standards-Version to
* surfraw.in:
- Applied Brian Nelson's "-remote openURL" patch (Closes: #165967).
- Fixed browser selection (Closes: #118314).
* google -l/-lucky support (Closes: #127078, #128544).
* Added deja patch from Christian Garbs (Closes: #149600).
* debian/rules: changed to use DESTDIR.
* Closing non-bugs:
- Complaint about correct behaviour (Closes: #173714).
- Adds functionality already present in debcontents (Closes: #144080).
- Obsoleted by sensible-browser (imho) (Closes: #155423).
-- Ian Beckwith <ianb@nessie.mcc.ac.uk> Sun, 9 Nov 2003 22:02:44 +0000
Ian Beckwith - ianb@nessie.mcc.ac.uk - http://nessie.mcc.ac.uk/~ianb/
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