[Surfraw-devel] [Fwd: Bug#223953: surfraw: Additional elvi for wikipedia encyclopedia]

Moritz Muehlenhoff jmm@informatik.uni-bremen.de
Wed, 17 Dec 2003 00:20:10 +0100

Ian Beckwith wrote:

I'll checkout CVS tomorrow and have a look at that branch in detail.

>   * amazon: fixed (Closes: #163903), removed tag-id stuff.	

Does this fix the language selection as well? Right now -country=foo
doesn't work for me.

We should add bash completion code for "sr elvi" in
/etc/bash_completion.d . I can do this.

I think there should be an upload to unstable ASAP to give it some
additional testing and a new upstream release one or two weeks later.

Are there other distributions/OS flavors  beside netbsd that ship
surfraw? If so, we should scan their packages for patches/improvements
as well.

In the mid term I want to integrate surfraw elvis in the elinks browser.
Right now there are some LUA scripts that perform stuff like google
searches, but integrating elvis would prevent doubling too much work.
