[Surfraw-devel] [Fwd: Bug#236088: surfraw: [INTL:fr] French debconf templates translation]

Christian Surchi csurchi@debian.org
Tue, 17 Aug 2004 01:39:45 +0200

Il mar, 2004-08-17 alle 01:14, Kevin Kreamer ha scritto:
> I'm pretty sure it is, but I can't seem to open up the mailing list info 
> to check.  As a matter of fact, I can't seem to get to any alioth web 
> pages, and I get the impression that that isn't unusual.  So, I think we 
> should try to put the new version on surfraw.sourceforge.net as well, as 
> you suggested.

Good, but main point for me is that the old url is known and you can
find several reference all over the web. So we should maintain it, even
if then we can host files or other things where we prefer.

I wait for Julian answers... a few months ago he simply offered me to
give me the access to that space. 
