[Surfraw-devel] user elvi directory?

Ian Beckwith ianb at erislabs.net
Sun Oct 11 17:55:14 UTC 2009

Hi James and Sumant,

This is just a quick note, hopefully I'll have time to look
at the code properly tomorrowish.

On Wed, Oct 07, 2009 at 01:34:14AM +0100, James Rowe wrote:
>   I've attached a patch which implements per-user elvi in
>   ~/.surfraw.d,

Great! One thought, as we now potentially have


maybe its time to move everything into ~/.surfraw/:


We could maintain backwards compatibility with the current locations,
basically forever if necessary.

We could even go wild (well, not very wild :) and implement the XDG
basedir spec (http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/latest/),
or is that meant for X apps only?

On Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 08:53:47PM +0200, Sumant Oemrawsingh wrote:
> So what's the approach I should take here? Do I submit a patch to this
> list, or can I git push?

Patches to the list please, at least initially. If you become a regular
contributer we can sort out commit access.



Ian Beckwith - ianb at erislabs.net - http://erislabs.net/ianb/
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