[Surfraw-devel] Another patch!

James Rowe jnrowe at gmail.com
Mon Feb 15 15:10:10 UTC 2010

Excerpts from Ivy Foster's message of Sun Feb 14 21:07:27 +0000 2010:
> There's a configurable variable, SURFRAW_bookfinder_search. By default, it's
> set to `title', but it can also be `author' or `isbn'. 
> So by default, any args are read as the title, but you can change that if you
> tend to search for authors more often than titles. (So the default is
> `-author=<author> [title...]', but you can change that if you want to.)
> Basically, I just wanted to make sure folks could configurate it. Sorry that
> didn't scan!

  Ah, thinking about it that way the usage makes much more sense to me.

  I've merged it now, with two small changes[1].  The first is that
keywords, authors and titles from option strings are escaped.  And the
second is your 1984 test case's result, because I like the idea of
having results that don't appear in the search term.  This way a page
displaying "invalid search string `1984'" won't be considered a pass.

1. http://git.debian.org/?p=surfraw/surfraw.git;a=commitdiff;h=9ef79d124aa9f21e309a00e358d220d65f3ff2f5

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