[Teammetrics-discuss] List of Alioth users for teammetrics GSoC project

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Thu Jul 14 13:45:13 UTC 2011

Hi Alioth admins,

you certainly noticed the teammetrics GSoC project where the student
Sukhbir tries to evaluate what contribution a team member has commited
to the Git archives as one part of the project.

By the nature of Git we have some clones of upstream project hanging
around on Alioth which are a mixture of upstream commits and commits
done by the Debian maintainer.  Our task is now to separate the
uninteresting (at least for our research of Debian teams) contributions
of upstream from those of the Debian maintainer containing the packaging

Our idea was that we can be very sure that people who are not registered
at Alioth are definitely no people who are working on the packaging and
thus we simply need to check name + email of a commiter against a list
of people who are registered on alioth - which is the set of people we
want to investigate.

Our question is now:  Does such a list of "Name + e-mail" exist and are
we allowed to use this for the described purpose or are there any
privacy implications which prevent you from delivering such a list.  We
could also live with some kind of querying service which gives a yes / no
answer to a name + e-mail pair we provide as input (which is probably a
bit more privacy conform.

If you hava any better idea how to separate the changes to debian/ from
other commits to the repository we would be even more happy.

Kind regards and thanks for your support



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