[Teammetrics-discuss] List of Alioth users for teammetrics GSoC project

Tollef Fog Heen tfheen at err.no
Sat Jul 16 21:27:45 UTC 2011

]] Andreas Tille 

| Our question is now:  Does such a list of "Name + e-mail" exist and are
| we allowed to use this for the described purpose or are there any
| privacy implications which prevent you from delivering such a list.  We
| could also live with some kind of querying service which gives a yes / no
| answer to a name + e-mail pair we provide as input (which is probably a
| bit more privacy conform.

It doesn't really exist, but we have the data in a database.  I'd be ok
with a tool that gives yes/no tool depending on whether the user exists,
but I'd rather not give you a full list of users + emails.

Other admins, thoughts?

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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