[Teammetrics-discuss] Commitstat using key authentication?

Sukhbir Singh sukhbir.in at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 09:53:39 UTC 2011

> Well, yes - just fetch these, right!  I think I remember that I was
> falling into the same trap previousely but I do not remember what the
> problem was.  Any idea what to do in this case?  I used the

No, that's totally unexpected. Can you try again? This IMO, has never
happened with me.

> on blends.d.n (and the key authentication obviosely works! :-) )


> sorry for bimbing you with problems.

It feels good to be working on this again, so please don't say sorry :)

> It seems we need some further exception in line 224 (and probably the
> name of the list would be quite helpful in addition to the Message #).

I thought I had handled this long ago (!) but these errors keep on
coming. I will fix this and add the list name also.

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