[Teammetrics-discuss] Commit stats has some issues

Sukhbir Singh sukhbir.in at gmail.com
Sat Dec 8 04:03:00 UTC 2012

Hi Andreas,

>   - commitstat_kernel: a user "X" who basically did all the commits

Yeah, I think I pointed this out to you before also. I did try to fix
this in the past but I don't remember what was the outcome. So I tried
debugging this today, but weirdly, Alioth is not allowing me to fetch
the `git log' for the kernel.git repository manually. When I issue the
`git log' command, it simply returns nothing. And this is only there
for the kernel.git repository. I will try again.

>   - commitstat_debian-live: two users Brendan S. and Brendan M. S.
>     (rank 9 and 10) which seems to be the same person
>   - commitstat_debichem: tonekokalj.guest needs a real name


> There were a lot of errors in the commitlines when trying to generate
> the graphs and the graphs that are created show problems (like rank 2
> and 3 in commitlines_debian-med which are upstream and no Debian Med
> members).  I uncommented the generation of these graphs in
> render-all-graphs and I guess we should deactivate the data gathering
> for this part as well.

`commitlines' has never been helpful, I must admit. So that is why, we
already skipping it for SVN repositories. But for git, the line data
comes with the 'package' and git is pretty fast for such things, so I
just let it be there.

I can try optimizing commitlines but somehow the motivation is not
there. Maybe when we make Team Metrics public and some DDs ask for it,
we will do it then :)


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