[Teammetrics-discuss] Updating names ending with '-guest'

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Wed Jan 25 14:36:04 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 05:23:45PM +0530, Sukhbir Singh wrote:
> So I wrote a small script that does this automatically -- looks up the
> real name for the guest name on vasks. It's called 'lookupnames.py'
> (pushed).

Cool! :-)
> Long story short: we had 437 such names in `commitstat` table. After
> running the above script, it resolved 366 guest-names to real names.
> The 71 remaining names cannot be resolved, as their profile on Alioth
> has been deleted.

We can not do anything about deleted profiles.  I guess this will not
harm much anyway because we will rarely find most active people of
projects amongst deleted users.
> `names.list` has been updated with new names:
> $ wc -l names.list
> 432 names.list
> I have also run 'python updatenames.py' so the database is now up-to-date.
> Please note that whenever 'names.list' or 'bots.list' is updated in
> the repository, it has to be copied to '/etc/teammetrics'. I can do
> that every time but I don't have the permission (If possible also,
> please set the teammetrics group permission for '/etc/teammetrics').

Permission set - sorry for forgetting this.

Can you try regenerating the graphs for the commits as I wrote in the
first mail in this thread and watch out for further unusual names.  I
think there were some non-guest accounts as well.

Kind regards and congratulations for the clever automatic solution



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