[tryton-debian] rules cleaning (was: tarball compression)
Mathias Behrle
mathiasb at m9s.biz
Tue Jan 28 18:26:32 UTC 2014
* Raphael Hertzog: " Re: [tryton-debian] tarball compression" (Mon, 27 Jan 2014
22:56:41 +0100):
> On Mon, 27 Jan 2014, Mathias Behrle wrote:
> > > * debian/rules: can you explain me why "export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8" is needed
> > > for pbuilder ?
> >
> > It is #725788.
> So please include that bug number in the comment. "Needed for pbuilder
> until #725788 is fixed."
I will drop these statements. It was an issue in python-sql and is fixed
already in upstream VCS.
> On Mon, 27 Jan 2014, Mathias Behrle wrote:
> > > > * debian/rules: PYBUILD_DESTDIR_python2 seems useless, what's its
> > > > purpose ?
> > >
> > > It seems indeed no more needed. I will remove it.
> >
> > I now remember the plan.
> >
> > It is not needed for dh_python2, but it is needed for dh_python3 (otherwise
> > python3-*: empty-binary-package).
> > My current plan is to switch all Tryton packages to python3, as soon as the
> > dependencies and Tryton itself will be available in Python 3 (thus not
> > building any python2 after the switch).
> I don't think it's reasonable to switch that way. There will
> be users who will have to run it on Python 2 until /usr/bin/python
> is python3.
Indeed good point. I will have to think about this once more.
> So you can certainly contemplate providing python3-tryton-* but it's
> not reasonable to no longer provide python-tryton-* supporting python2.
> So if you want to prepare for the future, you should better provide
> the two lines:
> PYBUILD_DESTDIR_python2=...
> PYBUILD_DESTDIR_python3=...
> But even better than all that is to rely on pybuild's ability to detect
> the target directories by just setting "PYBUILD_NAME=tryton-foo" and
> then it will use debian/python-tryton-foo & debian/python3-tryton-foo
> as appropriate.
I really wouldn't like to add to such monstrous names as
python-tryton-modules-purchase-invoice-line-standalone, lintian is already
complaining. If needed I strongly vote for tryton-<package>-py3.
Mathias Behrle
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