[tryton-debian] Packaging of suds-jurko (was: suds)
Mathias Behrle
mathiasb at m9s.biz
Sun Jul 27 18:17:36 UTC 2014
* Mathias Behrle: " Re: [tryton-debian] Packaging of suds-jurko (was:
suds)" (Fri, 4 Jul 2014 13:09:55 +0200):
Hi Jurko,
just to keep you updated:
- I will be offline for about three weeks, so I will not be able to answer
mails in this time.
- The freeze for the next stable release of Debian will be approaching then. It
would be very nice to have integrated your version of suds in the upcoming
release. As already said, the documentation part from my point of view of
course is very useful, but not mamdatory at all (we are living until now also
with no documentation for the current suds package).
If there are any concerns from your side not to package your fork please let
us know.
> My personal approach after a short glance to the existing documentation would
> be:
> - Release now after renaming the project without the docs (the existing
> documentation of suds is still existing on the web and should be roughly
> enough at this very moment).
> - Convert the available docs immediately to Sphinx, which AFAIS would mean
> - Get the wiki page from the fedora wiki [1], which is in mediawiki format,
> give it some love and convert it to sphinx. I attached the export of this
> page to this mail.
> - Convert the docstrings to Sphinx format
> - Here I found most interesting this sed script [2].
> - or alternatively use a translation mechanism of Sphinx to use the current
> docstrings [3].
> - Add the documentation, when ready, to the project and publish on
> read-the-docs.
> Personally I would prefer to convert at once and to not invest time in work,
> that will be superseeded anyway. This sequence of steps seems to me the most
> effective way to get things done.
> HTH,
> Mathias
> [1] https://fedorahosted.org/suds/wiki/Documentation
> [2]
> http://www.tomaz.me/2013/09/28/migrating-from-epydoc-to-sphinx-style-docstrings-using-sed-and-some-command-line-fu.html
> [3]
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10012741/automated-way-to-switch-from-epydocs-docstring-formatting-to-sphinx-docstring-f
Mathias Behrle
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