[tryton-debian] [Health-dev] GNU Health in Debian

Mathias Behrle mbehrle at m9s.biz
Tue Feb 10 17:19:26 UTC 2015

* Cédric Krier: " Re: [Health-dev] GNU Health in Debian" (Tue, 10 Feb 2015
  15:28:36 +0100):

> On 09 Feb 09:38, Emilien Klein wrote:
> > Hi Mathias and the GNU Health development team,
> > 
> > With the latest version of GNU Health released, the discussion around
> > packaging it in Debian (and thus all derivatives such as Ubuntu) has
> > started again.
> For me, the solution will be to have many version of each package for
> each series. And thus using the dependency solver to select the right
> sets of versions. But I don't know if the Debian package system allow to
> do that.

JFTR: Since gnuhealth modules are just another set of Tryton modules, there
should be not a big problem to package them in the same generic way as the
other base modules. The infrastructure to allow for a correct mapping of
gnuhealth series -> tryton series -> debian release, which so far is not
possible to do on debian.org itself, was built since a while on

I launched a while ago the same question on this list [0] and got really few
feedback. While the procedure above for me would be the way to go and I would
do the packages (as already stated), I don't see any value in investing my time
in packages deprecated more or less by upstream. Even more as Luis favors to
my knowledge the installation and maintenance of a gnuhealth installation by
scripts. The Pros and Cons of this concept can be discussed, but certainly I
don't want to get in the way of the project respectively its maintainers.

So first question for me to be answered: are those packages welcome at all or
are they considered as irritating and distracting from the supported
installation way?

[0] http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/health-dev/2014-09/msg00057.html


    Mathias Behrle
    Gilgenmatten 10 A
    D-79114 Freiburg

    Tel: +49(761)471023
    Fax: +49(761)4770816
    UStIdNr: DE 142009020
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