[tryton-debian] [Health-dev] GNU Health in Debian

Luis Falcon falcon at gnu.org
Tue Feb 10 19:50:18 UTC 2015

Hi Mathias !

It's good to see you around ! 
On Tue, 10 Feb 2015 18:19:26 +0100
Mathias Behrle <mbehrle at m9s.biz> wrote:

> * Cédric Krier: " Re: [Health-dev] GNU Health in Debian" (Tue, 10 Feb
> 2015 15:28:36 +0100):
> > On 09 Feb 09:38, Emilien Klein wrote:
> > > Hi Mathias and the GNU Health development team,
> > > 
> > > With the latest version of GNU Health released, the discussion
> > > around packaging it in Debian (and thus all derivatives such as
> > > Ubuntu) has started again.
> > 
> > For me, the solution will be to have many version of each package
> > for each series. And thus using the dependency solver to select the
> > right sets of versions. But I don't know if the Debian package
> > system allow to do that.
> JFTR: Since gnuhealth modules are just another set of Tryton modules,
> there should be not a big problem to package them in the same generic
> way as the other base modules. The infrastructure to allow for a
> correct mapping of gnuhealth series -> tryton series -> debian
> release, which so far is not possible to do on debian.org itself, was
> built since a while on debian.tryton.org.
> I launched a while ago the same question on this list [0] and got
> really few feedback. While the procedure above for me would be the
> way to go and I would do the packages (as already stated), I don't
> see any value in investing my time in packages deprecated more or
> less by upstream. Even more as Luis favors to my knowledge the
> installation and maintenance of a gnuhealth installation by scripts.
> The Pros and Cons of this concept can be discussed, but certainly I
> don't want to get in the way of the project respectively its
> maintainers.

Thanks so much for your suggestions. As I have mentioned in other
occasions, although GNU Health relies heavily on Tryton, and is the
framework for its modules, it has its own release process and specific

For instance, now we have tools such as gnuhealth-control that
allows to make backups, apply patches and check the environment of the
running host. 

We also have our own set of aliases, RC file, predefined filesystem
structure, etc... 

So, in order to be able to run GNU Health in different Operating
Systems, from GNU/Linux to BSD and their variants, we need to have a
"standard" way of installation. For isntance, if the FSH of the
installation is different, then the gnuhealth-control program will have
problems applying patchsets or updating the tryton kernel.

Also, it's important to have follow a common way, so when reading the
book, or submitting a bug or an issue, we all know how to track it.

My suggestion for packagers is to call the gnuhealth_install
> So first question for me to be answered: are those packages welcome
> at all or are they considered as irritating and distracting from the
> supported installation way?

You guys are the experts on distro packages, bu I suppose that it's
possible to create a Debian, Arch, Red Hat and their derivatives distros
package based on the standard installation script, and keeping the RC
files, structure and utilities.

> [0] http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/health-dev/2014-09/msg00057.html

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