[Tux4kids-discuss] Tux4Kids website

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Mon Sep 21 12:07:32 UTC 2009

Hi Matthew,

On Sonntag, 20. September 2009, Matthew McSpadden wrote:
> I need help with the SVN for the website. I still have some time
> and a desire to work on the website. 

Ok, great. I'm happy to help! :)

> But I cannot change things the way 
> I should be able to and neither can anyone else. Is there a way to
> completely scrub the svn for the website branch and start fresh? 

I assume you mean the working copy on alioth? And not the files in the 
repository itself?

> Like 
> everything, files, svn data, permissions, etc. And then rebuild? Cause I
> don't know any other way to fix this. I svn delete something and it
> doesn't delete, or else will, but when i add it back it does not change
> from a previous version of that file.

I'm offline right now, but when I'm back I'll cleanup the working copy on 

If this doesnt help, I guess the easiest would be if you just mail privatly a 
tarball with the files and directories how they should be, and then I'll 
commit that to svn, make sure the checkout on alioth is ok and then you 
checkout on your machine again, and work from there.

> I want to help, but I can't do a thing until we can get this fixed, and
> I don't know how.

I'm confident we'll get this sorted fast :-)

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