[Tux4kids-discuss] Interested in TUX Paint - GSoC 2015

Qiwen Gao gqwgqw0916 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 07:03:17 UTC 2015


I am Qiwen Gao, a junior student in School of Computer Science and
Engineering, Southeast University, China. I am interested in participating
in TUX Paint for GSoC 2015.

I have a lot of experience in C/C++ programming. I've done some JAVA and
Objective C programming too. Since last month, I have been developing a
Leap Motion application called LeapPaint for MAC. It allows users to paint
with only Leap Motion.
I have done many other interesting projects that can be seen on my personal
website: https://qiwengao.wordpress.com/

I have read your ideas page and I am interested in TUX Paint. I've download
the source codes and I am going through them.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Qiwen Gao
Computer Science & Engineering
Southeast University, China
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