[Tux4kids-discuss] Gsoc application for tux4eng

Shubhi goel shubhi.invincible at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 18:21:40 UTC 2015

Developers and Mentors,

I am Shubhi Goel , a 2nd year undergraduate at Manav Ranchna College of
Engineering, Faridabad , India pursuing Computer Science Engineering. This
GSoC is my first opportunity to work with the open source community and I
can say I'm thrilled!

 I went through the ideas page a few days ago and theTux English projects
really interested me and I wanted to take up this project for Google Summer
of Code - 15.

*Coding Skills:*

I'm running a Linux Ubuntu x64 distribution on my laptop and I use it 98%
of the time. I enjoy developing C applications using gcc for compiling and
gdb for debugging. Prior to this, I have made myself hands-on with C++ as
well. I also have a Windows 7 installed which I use only if I need to work
with Microsoft software products.

I have experience working with C/C++/Python and I enjoy coding using these
languages. C/C++ were my languages of choice both for academic purposes and
a food for my soul. Having that developer’s instinct is something that led
me a step up to learn and be proficient in HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPT. Always
craving for more, I learnt BootStrap and jQuery as well. Serving a bit of
my knowledge on a plate, I have built a Battery status web-app, a simple
calculator and a very basic rock-paper-scissor game.  Currently, I m
exploring other areas as well, such as End-to-End testing , Agile
Development, Test Driven Development. I’d like to incorporate my skills
where ever required and contribute to this project.

I would also like to formally ask if there is a Google Summer of Code
(GSOC) mentor who is overseeing these project and how could I start-off


Shubhi Goel.
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