[Tux4kids-tuxpaint-scm] Action requested: migration of alioth list tux4kids-commits, -tuxmath|tuxtype|tuxpaint-scm

Ben Armstrong synrg at sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
Mon Jan 29 11:42:19 UTC 2018

So far as I know, all of the tux4kids mailing lists may still be
actively used and should be a part of the migration. However, I am no
longer involved in the project, so I can't say for certain what the
status of each tux4kids commits/scm list is. I know that historically,
this project has been only loosely organized, with different maintainers
for each package not necessarily communicating very much, so it may take
some chasing after maintainers of individual packages to get the final
word. Also, given my lack of involvement, it should probably fall to
someone else to take over maintainership of these lists, if they are kept.

I have therefore kicked off this effort to determine what is to be done
with these lists by CC'ing each list for comment. The lists in question are:

tux4kids-commits at lists.alioth.debian.org
tux4kids-tuxmath-scm at lists.alioth.debian.org
tux4kids-tuxtype-scm at lists.alioth.debian.org
tux4kids-tuxpaint-scm at lists.alioth.debian.org


On 28/01/18 02:26 PM, alioth lists migration team wrote:
> Dear list owner,
> As per the announcement on debian-devel-announce[1] the migration of
> lists.alioth.debian.org mailing lists is now underway. If you would
> like tux4kids-commits at lists.alioth.debian.org
> to be included in this process, to ensure that the list still works
> after the migration in late March/April, please let us know by replying
> to this email. Otherwise, the list will stop working at migration time
> and the archives will no longer be accessible.
> Feel free to also let us know if the list is no longer needed, so we can
> note that down too. Replies must be received by 15th March 2018.
> More information about the new service can be found here:
> <https://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/MailingListContinuation>
> Thanks,
> the alioth-lists migration team.
> [1] <https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2018/01/msg00003.html>

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