[Tux4kids-tuxtype-dev] Tuxtype 1.6.0 progress - fullscreen, gettext, keyboard images

David Bruce davidstuartbruce at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 21:54:13 UTC 2008


I just committed r681 - working toward getting tuxtype stable again.
It is not ready for a new release just yet, but it's getting there.
Highlights include:

1.  Fullscreen now uses native resolution of OS instead of hard-coded
640x480.  The menu system and the two main game activities appear to
work properly in both modes on my machine, and they can be toggled
on-the-fly with F10 without crashing.  We undoubtably will want to
tweak things to take better advantage of the larger screen in
fullscreen mode.  This work was done in preparation of getting tuxtype
to run well on the OLPC XO laptop.

2.  Tuxtype program now uses standard GNU gettext (thanks Mobin!) and
uses the standard locales mechanism, so it will automatically run in
the system-specified language if possible.  This was another
highly-desired advance.

3. The "Practice" and "Lessons" activities have greatly improved
fingering hints with nice keyboard images, rather than the old
cartoon-ish hands (thanks Sreyas).

There are still some issues.
-  Both "Practice" and "Lessons" still need to be fixed to work in fullscreen;
-  when the language is changed, the menus still display the old
language until the program is restarted;
- Michael Hsieh's GSoC code isn't merged in yet.
- and probably several others.

There is also still a lot of old business/"wish list" type stuff, like
getting consistent icons for all of the menu items, as well as a lot
of code cleanup.

Anyway, these are great contributions, and it is exciting to see the
project moving forward.

David Bruce

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