[Tux4kids-tuxtype-dev] New user for tuxtyping

David Bruce davidstuartbruce at gmail.com
Tue Dec 30 13:30:07 UTC 2008

Hi Daniel,

On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 3:22 AM, Daniel Cartron <daniel at cartron.org> wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I baught an EEEPC 701 to my daughter for xmas and as tuxtyping is installed
> i
> try to create some french lessons for her. But i have some problems to do
> this.

I think the EEE has quite an old build of Tux Typing.  We have worked on a
lot of these things since then.  Tux Typing has quite a few areas that are
incomplete or outdated - some have been fixed, some remain.

I'd really suggest getting tuxtype 1.7.0 from http://www.tux4kids.com (i.e.,
http://tux4kids.alioth.debian.org).  It is installable with "./configure;
make; sudo make install", once you get some libs and build tools.  You
should be able to install those things with apt on any Debian-based system.

First the letters with accents don't show correctly. I think it is some utf8
> problem, so do i have to convert my files to another format, thougt the
> machine seems to use utf8 ?

About a year and a half ago, we did a major overhaul of Tux Typing to
support Unicode so non-Western chars could be displayed, and at that time
converted all the files to utf8.

> Then the lessons files azre displayed a very strange way on screen, they
> are
> not sorted by name or date, and it make it difficult to select the good
> lesson... And their name is written too small, it is difficult to read
> them.

That is still not really fixed - on the agenda.

> Otherwise i think it is not good to have the main background for lessons,
> because i want to put there a background with the keyboard drawn with
> colors,
> one for each finger.

The new build has an improved on-screen hints keyboard.  It was one of last
summer's Google Summer of Code student projects. I hadn't thought of color
highlighting, but that is a good idea.

Anyway, if you want to modify tuxtype, it would be best to start with the
latest release.  Also, if you want to contribute your changes back, it will
work a lot better if you work from the subversion repository (see link on
tux4kids page mentioned above) rather than just a *tar.gz snapshot release.

Thanks, and best regards,

David Bruce
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