[Tux4kids-tuxtype-dev] New user for tuxtyping

Daniel Cartron daniel at cartron.org
Tue Dec 30 14:37:08 UTC 2008

Le mardi 30 décembre 2008, David Bruce a écrit :
> I'd really suggest getting tuxtype 1.7.0 from http://www.tux4kids.com
> (i.e., http://tux4kids.alioth.debian.org).  It is installable with
> "./configure; make; sudo make install", once you get some libs and build
> tools.  You should be able to install those things with apt on any
> Debian-based system.

OK I'll try. I didn't think the changes were so important between the 1.5.6 i 
have and the 1.7.

> About a year and a half ago, we did a major overhaul of Tux Typing to
> support Unicode so non-Western chars could be displayed, and at that time
> converted all the files to utf8.

OK great.

> > not sorted by name or date, and it make it difficult to select the good
> > lesson... And their name is written too small, it is difficult to read
> > them.
> That is still not really fixed - on the agenda.

OK again, but not great :-)

> > Otherwise i think it is not good to have the main background for lessons,
> > because i want to put there a background with the keyboard drawn with
> > colors,
> > one for each finger.
> The new build has an improved on-screen hints keyboard.  It was one of last
> summer's Google Summer of Code student projects. I hadn't thought of color
> highlighting, but that is a good idea.

I join my keyboard.png , i don't know if it is allowed. So you can imagine 
that enlighting the exact key could be much more efficient for learning.

Another thing i think very important for learning is the sound. As our brain 
uses the sense or hearing for understanding what we read (hope this is 
understandable) a good soft for learning should use this. For instance i 
would like to have a .ogg file playing for each lesson. This file would 
prononce the letters to type.

> Anyway, if you want to modify tuxtype, it would be best to start with the
> latest release.  Also, if you want to contribute your changes back, it will
> work a lot better if you work from the subversion repository (see link on
> tux4kids page mentioned above) rather than just a *tar.gz snapshot release.

The pb is that i have a mandriva on my box, and it is a bit short to compile 
on a eeepc... So i'm in trouble to test what i want to modify, and the most 
important is that i don't know the C... Just able to understand a bit how the 
code work and find that my pb on fingers png is in practice.c, the limit 
fixed to 10...

Cordialement, Daniel Cartron
« L'argent n'est que la fausse monnaie du bonheur. »
E. et J. de Goncourt
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