[Tux4kids-tuxtype-dev] Migration to Git underway

David Bruce davidstuartbruce at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 17:32:40 UTC 2010


The new git repositories for tux4kids all seem to be working.  Until
the migration is finalized, they are located under
alioth.debian.org/git/tux4kids/test.  This weekend, I will move them
into their permanent location under alith.debian.org/tux4kids.

The repositories can be accessed three ways - all now seem to work:

1. Anonymous ("read-only") cloning:

git clone git://git.debian.org/git/tux4kids/tux*.git

(where "tux*.git" is tuxmath.git, tuxtype.git, t4kcommon.git,
tux4kids-admin.git, or tux4kids-web.git)

2. Cloning with push ("commit") access for project members:

git clone git+ssh://dbruce-guest@git.debian.org/git/tux4kids/tux*.git

(with your own alioth userid instead of dbruce-guest, obviously).

3. Browse over web:


Again, once this is finalized, take the "test" out of the above paths!

For now, commit any remaining stuff via subversion until Friday.  Over
the weekend I will make sure the new git repositories are current,
then move them into the /git/tux4kids directory.

We will still need to change our website to use tux4kids-web.git for
its files, and also if possible correct the instructions on
https://alioth.debian.org/scm/?group_id=31080 to reflect the fact that
we have multiple git repositories.


David Bruce

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