[Aptitude-devel] aptitude 0.6.6-1 available on mentors.d.n [Review]

Axel Beckert abe at debian.org
Mon Mar 26 23:30:30 UTC 2012


Daniel Hartwig wrote:
> I have just uploaded 0.6.6-1 to mentors.d.n.
> http://mentors.debian.net/package/aptitude
> As usual, this version is looking for a sponser to upload it after
> giving the package a good testing.

So far I've found nothing really problematic while testing. I just
didn't manage to group packages by architecture:

The grouping I use for quite some years now is:

  filter(missing),status,section(subdir,passthrough),pattern(~O, !~O => other),pattern(~A, !~A => other),section(topdir),priority

So I tried:

  filter(missing),status,pattern(?architecture()),section(subdir,passthrough),pattern(~O, !~O => other),pattern(~A, !~A => other),section(topdir),priority

But all groups then had 0 entries. Nevertheless limiting the display
to ?architecture(i386) and ?architecture(amd64) worked as expected.

So just for being curious what title will be assigned on negativ
matches, I tried pattern(~r, !~r) and got this in every section:

--\ Installed Packages (3642)
  --- Match index 1 is too large; available groups are () (3642)

Grouping with pattern(~ri386,~ramd64) doesn't split out i386 packages
into their own group either, but pattern(~ri386 => i386, ~ramd64 =>
amd64) does. So I suspect that ?architecture() doesn't yet set a title
or has similar issues.

(If that's really a bug and I'm not just only too dumb or too tired to
read the docs, I'd upload anyway, and file an according bug
afterwards. :-)

But back to the review:

Some minor things I missed in the changelog entry for 0.6.6-1 which I
usually expect (but by far not all packagers include) in a changelog

* Build-Dependencies have changed (ignoring the dropped GTK stuff).

* Debhelper compatibility has been bumped. (I suspect the
  dh_auto_configure usage as reason.)

* The changelog entry of 0.6.5-1 has been changed retrospectively.
  While I think it's a good think to fix older changelog entries, IMHO
  it's better if it's mentioned that they have been changed.

* debian/control and debian/README.Debian have been updated.

* Support for DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck has been added. (Yay!)

Nevertheless, if the decision is to upload it to unstable instead of
experimental, I'd upload 0.6.6-1 as is -- but of course aren't against
an updated changelog. :-)

It though would be nice if these could be added when the changelog has
to be changed anyway for an upload to experimental.

		Regards, Axel
 ,''`.  |  Axel Beckert <abe at debian.org>, http://people.debian.org/~abe/
: :' :  |  Debian Developer, ftp.ch.debian.org Admin
`. `'   |  1024D: F067 EA27 26B9 C3FC 1486  202E C09E 1D89 9593 0EDE
  `-    |  4096R: 2517 B724 C5F6 CA99 5329  6E61 2FF9 CD59 6126 16B5

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