[Babel-users] TLV and sub-TLV space: allocation policy

Denis Ovsienko infrastation at yandex.ru
Wed Jul 2 12:16:37 UTC 2014

01.07.2014, 17:22, "Juliusz Chroboczek" <jch at pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr>:
> Dear all,
> In order to get the extension protocol published, I need to define
> a policy for allocating TLV numbers.  The reviewer has suggested
> "First-Come-First-Served with public reference", but is also willing to
> accept plain FCFS.  IANA allocation policies are defined in RFC 5226:
>   http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5226#section-4.1
> I assume the reviewer means "Specification Required", which sounds good to
> me.  The only negative effect I can see is that we'll need to freeze and
> document a new extension before we can be assured of getting a TLV number,
> which should not be to onerous.  I guess I should reserve 8 (or 16?)
> values for Experimental Use (or Private Use?).
> Advice?  (Denis, I'm particularly interested in your opinion.)

Hi all.

"Specification Required" today seems most workable for everybody in foreseeable future, I finally understood it includes Designated Expert, which I suggested in the past.

The idea of an explicit Experimental pool looks good (in the past I suggested 32 values at the end of the namespace). As far as I get it, Private would stand for permanent proprietary allocations whether Experimental would be right to support developing new code until it is ready to request its own permanent allocation(s).

After browsing other protocol registries on the IANA web-site in the past it looked more convenient to have one registry for Babel with two sub-registries rather than a separate registry for TLVs and sub-TLVs. This probably still applies.

For the reference below is a verbatim excerpt from that old off-list message ("Re: Babel extension mechanism (IANA registry draft)", dated 2013-06-27):

Registry full name: Babel Routing Protocol Parameters
Registry abbreviated name: babel-parameters

Sub-registry full name: Babel TLVs
Sub-registry abbreviated name: tlvs
Sub-registry technical requirements: Assignments consist of a Babel TLV Type
  value and its associated name. The value is an integer in the range 0-255
  recorded in decimal. The name is a terse ASCII string.
Designated expert: Juliusz Chroboczek <jch at pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr>

| Range   | Registration Procedures       |
|   0-127 | Expert Review                 |
| 128-223 | Expert Review                 |
| 224-255 | Reserved for Experimental Use |

Sub-registry initial assignments/reservations:

| Value  | Name                    | Reference                                |
|      0 | Pad1                    | RFC6126                                  |
|      1 | PadN                    | RFC6126                                  |
|      2 | Acknowledgement Request | RFC6126                                  |
|      3 | Acknowledgement         | RFC6126                                  |
|      4 | Hello                   | RFC6126                                  |
|      5 | IHU                     | RFC6126                                  |
|      6 | Router-Id               | RFC6126                                  |
|      7 | Next Hop                | RFC6126                                  |
|      8 | Update                  | RFC6126                                  |
|      9 | Route Request           | RFC6126                                  |
|     10 | Seqno Request           | RFC6126                                  |
|     11 | TS/PC                   | draft-ovsienko-babel-hmac-authentication |
|     12 | HMAC                    | draft-ovsienko-babel-hmac-authentication |
|     13 | Source-specific Update  | work in progress                         |
| 14-255 | Unassigned              |                                          |

Sub-registry full name: Babel Sub-TLVs
Sub-registry abbreviated name: sub-tlvs
Sub-registry technical requirements: Assignments consist of a Babel Sub-TLV Type
  value and its associated name. The value is an integer in the range 0-255
  recorded in decimal. The name is a terse ASCII string.
Designated expert: Juliusz Chroboczek <jch at pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr>

| Range   | Registration Procedures       |
|   0-127 | Expert Review                 |
| 128-223 | Expert Review                 |
| 224-255 | Reserved for Experimental Use |

Sub-registry initial assignments/reservations:

| Value | Name                    | Reference        |
|     0 | Pad1                    | work in progress |
|     1 | PadN                    | work in progress |
|     2 | Diversity               | work in progress |
|     3 | Timestamp               | work in progress |
| 4-255 | Unassigned              |                  |

    Denis Ovsienko

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