[Debian-zh-dev] SCIM, Smart Pinyin IM, how to have pinyin words remaining displayed?

Sebastian scut@nb.in-berlin.de
Sun, 5 Sep 2004 22:40:32 +0800

Hello everybody,

I really like the SCIM SmartPinyin input method and it works just great.
However, on some Chinese friends Windows installation I have seen some smart
pinyin input where the entered pinyin remains visible while he is typing
many characters. This is very useful to check the pinyin spelling has been
correctly entered. I often happen to wonder why the character won't show up
until I discover I reversed or mistyped some characters in the pinyin

How to have the pinyin remain in the input window while the character has
not yet been acknowledged?

Thanks in advance,

   |\      _,,,--,,_  ,)  scut@nb.in-berlin.de, http://segfault.net/~scut/pgp
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