[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/en/ITIL/AppendixA" by AlexanderAlemayhu
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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/en/ITIL/AppendixA" page has been changed by AlexanderAlemayhu:
===== 5.2 Defaults in the operating period =====
- ===== 5.2.1 Leverandørens mislighold =====
+ ===== 5.2.1 The suppliers non-fullfillment =====
- ===== a. Lacks =====
+ ===== a. Shortcomings =====
There is a shortcoming of the supplier if operating delivery do not cover the requirements and specifications given by the Agreement, and this caused a circumstance which the supplyer is responsible. If there is a shortcoming in operating performance, the supplier shall without undue delay remedy the defect. Where defect can not be repaired within a reasonable time Customer shall be entitled to a proportionate discount, ref. Section b. Below.
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If otherwise a shortcoming emerge, and of such a nature as it is significant for the customer's use of the operating system, and the shortcoming not is corrected within 30 business days after the Customer in writing notified the supplier about the shortcoming, the Customer can in writing notify the supplier the wish to terminate the Agreement. If the supplier after such notice has not rectified the situation within 14 business days, the customer is entitled to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect.
- ===== 5.2.2 The custumers non-fullfillment =====
+ ===== 5.2.2 The customers non-fullfillment =====
- Dersom Kunden ikke betaler til avtalt tid, har Leverandøren krav på rente i henhold til lov om renter ved forsinket betaling av 19. des. 1976 nr. 100, § 3, første ledd, av det beløpet som er forfalt til betaling. I de tilfeller der forfalt vederlag med tillegg av renter ikke er betalt innen 14 dager fra forfall, kan Leverandøren sende Kunden skriftlig varsel om at Driftsytelsene vil bli stanset eller at avtalen vil bli hevet, dersom oppgjør ikke har skjedd innen 7 dager etter at Kunden mottok varselet. Ved heving av Avtalen som skyldes Kunden, skal Leverandøren holdes skadesløs av Kunden for de kostnader og forpliktelser som Leverandøren har påtatt seg i forbindelse med Avtalen.
+ If the customer does not pay on time, the supplier is entitled to interest for the amount that is overdue. In Norway,l in accordance with the law relating to interest on late payment of 19. Dec. 1976 no. 100, § 3, first paragraph. In cases where the payments with the addition of interest is not paid within 14 days of the due date, the supplier can issue written notice that the operating delivery will be stopped, or that the agreement will be terminated, unless settlement has taken place within 7 days of your receipt notification. Upon termination of the Agreement due to the customer, the supplier shall be indemnified by the customer for the costs and liabilities undertaken in connection with the Agreement.
==== 6.Replacement ====
- Kunden kan kreve erstattet tap som med rimelighet kan tilbakeføres til misligholdet, med mindre Leverandøren kan godtgjøre at misligholdet, eller årsaken til misligholdet, ikke kan tilskrives ham. Eventuell dagbot som følge av forsinkelse i henhold til pkt. 5 a for det samme misligholdet kommer til fradrag ved erstatningsberegningen. Dersom Kunden misligholder sine forpliktelser under denne Avtalen, har Leverandøren krav på å få dekket sine merkostnader som med rimelighet kan tilbakeføres til Kundens mislighold, med mindre Kunden kan godtgjøre at misligholdet, eller årsaken til misligholdet ikke kan tilskrives ham.
+ The customer may demand compensation for losses that can be reasonably attributed to the shortcoming, unless the supplier can demonstrate that the breach, or the cause of the breach, not attributed to him. Any liquidated damages caused by delay in accordance with Clause. 5a for the same breach ,is deducted by calculating compensation. If the customer defaults on its obligations under this Agreement, supplier shall be entitled to recover their additional costs that may reasonably be attributed to the Customer defaults, unless the Customer can prove that the breach, or cause of the breach can not be attributed to him.
- Partene er ikke ansvarlige for den annen parts indirekte tap, herunder forventet besparelse eller gevinst. Som indirekte tap inngår blant annet:
+ Parties are not responsible for the other party's indirect losses, including expected savings or gains. Indirect losses included among others
- * Tap som følge av minsket eller bortfalt produksjon eller omsetning (driftsavbrudd);
- * Tap som følge av at driftsytelsene ikke kan benyttes som forutsatt (avsavn);
- * Tapt fortjeneste som følge av at en kontrakt med tredjemann faller bort eller ikke blir riktig oppfylt.
+ * Losses due to reduced or lost production or sales (operational interruption);
+ * Losses due to the operating performance can not be used as intended (consequential losses);
+ * Lost profits as a result of a contract with a third party drops or are not fulfilled properly.
- Partenes erstatningsplikt overfor hverandre er oppad begrenset til det avtalte årlige vederlaget, eller maksimalt NOK 1 million, uavhengig av antall skadetilfeller. Begrensningene i partenes erstatningsansvar gjelder ikke hvis parten eller noen han har ansvaret for, har utvist grov uaktsomhet eller forsett.
+ Parties liability towards each other is limited to the agreed annual compensation, or a maximum of NOK 1 million, regardless of the number of damage cases. The limitations of the parties' liability does not apply, if the party or anyone he is responsible for, has shown gross negligence or willful misconduct.
- ==== 7.Rettsmangler ====
+ ==== 7. Legal defects ====
If a third party asserts that the use of software that the Customer or Vendor has license responsibility goes against the third party's rights, the Party shall ensure that appropriate rights are retained or acquired, or that other equivalent software functionality / obtained without charge to the other party. Should it be raised claims from third party against Customer or Vendor on the basis of defects inherent in the relationship of the other Party, that Party undertakes its own expense to assist and eventually lead case for both parties. From the time a party takes over the case, the other party is obliged to assist the special compensation.
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||Petter Smart||CEO||+47 22 31 31 31||||[mailto:ps at driftselskapet.no ps at driftselskapet.no]||
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