Moving the static site to Salsa - it works now!

Laura Arjona Reina larjona at
Fri Apr 27 21:52:18 BST 2018

Hello again

El 27/04/18 a las 14:48, Laura Arjona Reina escribió:
> Hello
> I've setup the static site in Salsa:
> It should be visible in a while in

that was a wrong URL.

It works now, in

I've build what I think are all the available documents, put them in
"files", and linked them from the index.html files.

What is *pending* is to improve the .gitlab-ci.yml file so the files are
 automatically built and moved to the
"" folders when somebody commits in
the repo (so the typesetted files are always up-to-date).

If anybody can do that, I appreciate it (I'm not good at build scripts).

I'll update to point to the new site instead of the old

I don't know if it is worthwhile to ask/commit a redirection?

If anybody wants to write a paragraph for the next DPN issue about the
repo and static site, we may get more contributions and translation
updates ;-)

Laura Arjona Reina

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