[Debian-ha-maintainers] crm_mon email notification problem

Ferenc Wagner wferi at niif.hu
Wed Oct 14 16:45:03 UTC 2015

Gianluca Merlo <gianluca.merlo at gmail.com> writes:

> I have followed your suggestion and tried packages from "deb
> http://apt.niif.hu/debian jessie main" on a clean couple of jessie VMs. I
> admit that I have been in a hurry, and had some problem pinning my way
> through stretch, ppa.mmogp.com (I found no way to avoid using it), and the
> latter. I may have been silly, but I did not take time searching for past
> hints on how to properly mix the whole.

I'd like to emphasize that apt.niif.hu is not official in any sense, and
I routinely update packages there without version number changes.  Also,
packages will be removed from there as soon as they get uploaded to the
official Debian repositories.  However, they form a fairly stable bunch
nowadays, from which I intend to build production clusters.  The repos
are also mostly self-contained, with one exception: pacemaker-cli-utils
needs init-system-helpers >= 1.23, which is not in jessie, but you can
simply install the official 1.23 from stretch, it has no further
dependencies (I use dpkg -i for that bit).  Of course, if you happen to
need newer versions of packages not in my repo (like fence-agents or
crmsh for example), you'll have to add other repositories.

> I considered https://wiki.debian.org/Debian-HA/ClustersFromScratch as a
> base, and troubleshooted my way on from that. If you have, or can point at,
> more updated versions of such a document, I will for sure make use of it.

Sorry, I can't.  Actually, I hope you won't need much Debian-specific
info at the end.

> I have made some simple tests with a ClusterMon resource like the one
> Stephane (and I) use, and I can confirm that all forms of crm_mon
> seems to work correctly (I tested e-mail, SNMP traps, and external
> agent functionality).

Thanks much for testing!

> I hope that the process of building the HA stack for jessie will take
> into account the apparent need of using some upstream updated code if
> crm_mon notification functionality is considered critical.

Absolutely.  Just let us know, preferably by reporting bugs.

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