[Debian-in-workers] Problems with a couple of fonts
Soumyadip Modak
Sat, 03 Jul 2004 00:02:57 +0530
--Cross Posted --
On Fri, 2004-06-25 at 18:11, Guntupalli Karunakar wrote:
> As per an old mail thread
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=3226604&forum_id=13737
> Pothana was released by its author under GPL. Though what is missing
> is the website where it can be claimed as released under GPL.
> the authors homepage is inaccessible at the moment.
> http://members.nbci.com/kdesikachary/index.htm
> I have sent out a mail requesting clarification on this to the author
> and person who announced it.
> Gargi issues can be fixed by Dr. Nagarjuna (cc'ed) who is maintainer
> of this font.
> Regards,
> Karunakar
Thanks for all the help. I'm now facing a different problem. I've
attempted to change the value in Element-> Font Info-> TTF Values->
Embeddable to installable font (plz. correct me if this is the wrong
setting). Now if I try to save changes to the ttf font, there are no
error messages shown, but when I try to reopen the font, pfaedit says
that the font is corrupted. By default pfaedit tries to save the font as
.sfd file. It doesn't have any problems opening the sfd file, but shows
corruption error (as described above) when I try to save the font as
.ttf. Can anyone please give me any pointers on my possible course of
Soumyadip Modak