[Debian-in-workers] Updating aspell packages

Kartik Mistry kartik.mistry at gmail.com
Sun Feb 10 17:12:51 GMT 2019

On Sun, Feb 10, 2019 at 10:29 PM Christopher Hoskin <mans0954 at debian.org> wrote:
> Thanks for adding me to the Salsa group. However, I don't seem to have
> the permissions to create new projects? Perhaps someone with the
> necessary permissions could please create aspell-or and aspell-te
> projects for me and give me push permissions to those projects.

Done. I've created and imported both. Let me know if push permission is OK.

Go ahead and fix bug(s). If needed, I can upload them.

Thanks a lot for taking care of this.

Kartik Mistry | કાર્તિક મિસ્ત્રી

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