[debian-lan-devel] testing wheezy CD

Andreas Schockenhoff asc at gmx.li
Tue Mar 26 07:57:55 UTC 2013

Dear Andi,

Am 25.03.2013 23:37, schrieb Andreas B. Mundt:
> I will update an up-to-date image tomorrow, the latest commits are 
> missing right now. However, nothing extremely important. 
Great I will check it again.
>> It need Internet access for download additional packages!
> Yes, FAI 4.0 does not use the mirror on the CD:<URL:http://bugs.debian.org/682796>
OK no Problem.
>> I think it is better to have a second network interface for dhcp to
>> have a simple
>> Internet access.
>> /etc/network/interfaces add
>> auto eth1
>> iface eth1 inet dhcp
>> with this addition it works fine.
> Great, thanks for testing!  I had two test scenarios: A virtual
> machine, single network interface, installation from CD:  I connect
> the interface via NAT and DHCP to the internet and install from the
> CD.  After the installation, I connect the interface to the isolated
> network connected via a router (NAT but no DHCP) to the internet.
I use a simple Laptop with virtual machines.  I use eth0 allways for the 
internal Network
and eth1 for dhcp to the internet.
> On real hardware, I have a machine with two interfaces, and I
> configure the mainserver as gateway:  I have one interface connected
> to a DHCP router and I test the system conversion, so I install a
> minimal Debian and convert that installation. I once had to switch
> interfaces in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net ... to get the
> correct interfaces for internal and external network.
I manage this with the knowledge of older Installations and selecting the
right hardware emulation in the virtual machine.
> Did you offer DHCP when installing from CD, or was your machine
> already "isolated" (no DHCP) in the internal network?  The
> installation should work connected to a DHCP-offering Network.
> After installation, connect the machine to the internal network.
In this testing I need dhcp and Internet access in all phases (from CD, 
for NFSroot
and for diskless client) of the installation.

The router solution is also a possible way. But I have not seen the 
documentation for
this. I prefer my  simpler DHCP solution.

Backports are not supported in wheezy in this moment? May be we disable 
them for
a while. :-)

regards Andreas

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