[debian-lan-devel] Reinstall workstations with the same MAC Address again and again will not work.

Andreas B. Mundt andi.mundt at web.de
Sat Apr 20 21:45:06 UTC 2013

Hi again,

I thougth a bit about the git repository ...

On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 05:46:48PM +0200, Andreas B. Mundt wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 05:16:03PM +0200, Andreas Schockenhoff wrote:
> > By getting the newest development for debian lan from git I see a
> > problem with easy updates.
> >
> > I want  be in touch with the newest development from debian lan.
> >
> > But I must do some modifications in the files for my special
> > installations. German Keyboard, package acpi-support-base ....
> > I will have a special TestClass for easy testing with virtual box ....
> >

One way to compare the local configuration space with the debian-lan
git repository is perhaps the following:

Create a clone of debian-lan config space somewhere (a user's home
dir, so you can even use graphical tools like gitk on a remote

    git clone git://git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/debian-lan

Now, copy the local config space over to the cloned repository (on the

     cp /srv/fai/config/* /path/to/debian-lan/fai/config/

You can now commit that, or create a special branch or whatever.  If
the remote debian-lan is developed further, just fetch fixes or
cherry-pick what you need. After that, copy the config space back in
place (make sure the correct branch is checked out):

    cp /path/to/debian-lan/fai/config/* /srv/fai/config/

You could also bind-mount the directory:

    mount --bind /path/to/debian-lan/fai/config/ /srv/fai/config/

However, if you are working on something or the wrong branch is
checked out, a fai softupdate or installation will probably not work
as expected, so I recommend to only copy/sync the development config
space with the production one from time to time.

Best regards,


PS.:  This is just an idea, please report success/improvements/errors
in the concept described above.

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