[Debian-med-packaging] openmrs_1.6.1-1_amd64.changes REJECTED
Andreas Tille
andreas at an3as.eu
Tue Nov 16 08:23:12 UTC 2010
On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 10:48:56PM -0600, Misha Koshelev wrote:
> Ben Wolfe (our lead developer) had a potentially good idea... to wait
> until the end of the year to get OpenMRS 1.8.0 into Debian instead,
> which uses a Maven based build system.
I think this is really a good idea if it simplyfies things. However, I
do not really think that we need to sit and wait until OpenMRS is
finally released. Preparing current prereleases for experimental migth
be a good idea to be ready with packaging right in time once OpenMRS
will be released officially.
> It seems this might potentially be a more straightforward approach.
> I have done some preliminary testing... some caveats on which perhaps
> you could comment (I am cc'ing Ben on this email) at your leisure:
> 1) Per recommendation in
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-java/2010/10/msg00017.html
> I am using maven-repo-helper and maven-deb-helper from the developer's PPA:
> "You will have more luck by taking the latest versions of
> maven-repo-helper and maven-debian-helper at my repository:
> https://launchpad.net/~ludovicc/+archive/ppa/"
> We would, I understand, have to wait until these made it into unstable
> (not sure whether or not by the end of the year is reasonable for
> this???)
I guess Ludovic will answer this question.
> 2) One package on which we depend, libspring-test-java, is in Debian
> _experimental_. Would this mean that our package would then need to go
> into experimental as well, leading to, to my understanding (please
> correct me if wrong):
The best idea in this case is to contact the maintainer of the package
in question about the reason why the package remains in experimental.
Perhaps there are chances to move to unstable if there are other
programs that need this package. A package in unstable can not depend
from a package in experimental.
Kind regards and thanks for your work on OpenMRS
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