[Debian-med-packaging] [tryton-debian] GNU Health in Debian

Mathias Behrle mbehrle at m9s.biz
Thu May 9 11:27:58 UTC 2013

* Emilien Klein: " [tryton-debian] GNU Health in Debian" (Wed, 8 May 2013
  23:35:29 +0200):

Hi Emilien,

thanks for your feedback.

>> Some more questions wrt to GNU Health:
>> 1) AFAIS version 2.0 of the GNU Health modules is announced to run on Tryton
>>    version 2.8. Do you currently work on porting them to 2.8? In what way are
>>    you related to the GNU health project?  
> The plan is to package GNU Health 2.0 when it comes out, and upload it
> to Debian Sid (this will be the first GNU Health release to hit Sid,
> as currently we only uploaded to Experimental).
> This is dependent on the different Tryton 2.8 modules being available
> in Sid as well, namely the stock lot module you have been working on.
> Do you have anyone in particular that could review your RFS on
> bug#706957? I see you've included Andreas Tille (member of the Debian
> Med team) in your RFS bug report, has Andreas sponsored previous
> Tryton packages for you?

It was exactly on this purpose I searched contact to Andreas. Until some time
ago I was sponsored by Daniel Baumann, who finally resigned from further work
on Tryton Debian packages. This was also the reason, that the work for and on
debian.tryton.org stalled for a considerable time. I am now done with moving
the platform to one of our own servers and as you can see, to close the gap of
Andreas wanted me to search for sponsoring via the public channels, perhaps he
will step in, if nobody other wants to care. Looking at his QA page I
understand he is not keen to sponsor another set of packages. While I can
assure him he would sponsor very clean packages, They are clean wrt to layout
and they are lintian pedantic bug free (as all Tryton packages are)...;)
> With regards to my relation to the GNU health project: I am working
> inside the Debian Med team to get it packaged in Debian (and
> derivatives). I have contributed a bit on the GNU Health wiki (namely
> installation instructions/screenshots), but [not yet] with code. In
> short: I am not directly affiliated with the project.

Ok. Thanks for your interest and work anyway.
>> 2) I already examined some time ago the health modules related to their
>> fitness for their inclusion in Debian. I also talked with Sebastián Marró
>> from Thymbra about this subject at last TUL in Liège/Belgium. I see, that in
>> the meantime a complete new set of icons was created under Creative Commons
>>    Attribution Share-Alike (CC-BY-SA) v3.0, which is great!
>>    I would like to know the feelings and interests of the GNU Health Devs
>> about the inclusion in Debian.  
> I do hope they are enthusiastic ;)

In hope I am as well, yet I never got feedback from their side.

> The packaging of GNU Health in new Linux distributions (Archlinux and
> Parabola) was mentionned as part of the main changes in the 2.0
> release date announcement [0]. Luis also congratulated the
> announcement of the Parabola packaging [1].

Thx, I will have a look...
> [0] http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/health/2013-04/msg00043.html
> [1] http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/health-dev/2013-04/msg00022.html
>>    The preliminary summary of my last check is the following:
>>    * From the licensing perspective we now have GPL-3+ and CC-BY-SA v3.0 for
>>      thehttp://lists.virtual-things.org/mailman/listinfo/tryton-debian whole
>>      tree, no problems here.
>>    * The concatenation of all health modules in just one VCS repository is a
>>      little bit unusual. Of course it can ease the handling, when it comes to
>>      provide an installation tarball for the method from sources [2]. But
>>      perhaps it could not scale in the future.  
> The way I see it: all GNU Health, packages are installed, but you will
> only activate the ones you want to use for your Healthcare System
> (that's done in the Modules section directly within Tryton).

In the meantime I discovered, that gnuhealth was packaged and uploaded to
experimental. The package for me has important issues. I am wondering, why
nobody got in contact with the maintainer of the other Tryton packages. I will
post my review and concerns on the gnuhealth package in another mail, hopefully
>>      Nevertheless this is no serious obstacle, since the releases are
>> uploaded to pypi and can be obtained separately from there.
>>    * One point still not solved seems to be the integration of the
>> translation done at [3]. It would be good to pull in the locales at release
>> time. Are there any plans to do so?  
> Good question for the GNU Health developers. I believe the
> translations used to be included, but were explicitly removed from a
> previous GNU Health version. It does indeed strike me as something
> that is not usual, as translations are most often contained in the
> release tarballs.

For me localization is very important, especially for packages like gnuhealth.
And I think it would be important to coordinate with the debian translation
teams(s) that work will not be done twice. It would be much preferable IMHO to
include the translation of the packagers...

>> I would be happy to get some feedback on those questions. Further discussion
>> could preferably be moved to some public list [4][5][6][7].  
> I have included the Debian Med and GNU Health dev lists.

Please keep me CC'ed, because I am not subscribed to these lists.



    Mathias Behrle
    Gilgenmatten 10 A
    D-79114 Freiburg

    Tel: +49(761)471023
    Fax: +49(761)4770816
    UStIdNr: DE 142009020
    PGP/GnuPG key availabable from any keyserver, ID: 0x8405BBF6

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