[Debian-med-packaging] Tagpending
Andreas Tille
andreas at an3as.eu
Thu May 24 16:26:10 BST 2018
Hi Sascha,
On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 03:26:32PM +0100, Sascha Steinbiss wrote:
> > I think we should activate the tagpending hook for all our packages.
> That would probably be useful, yes.
> > I also realised that the settings for integrations (e-mail and IRC on
> > push) are usually not set for new projects.
> True. AFAICS there is no way to set integrations by default in GitLab for individual teams. That’s why I set up a script to create new repositories, setting up all the integrations in the process [1]. This is similar to how it was done before, on Alioth (except it’s now run remotely).
I admit I'm a bit scared by Ruby - I never dealt with it (despite I
admit the script[1] looks pretty simple). I'm personally using a simple
shell script[2] with the additional feature to work for other teams as
well ... except the integration settings. May be we should settle with
one script and move it to
I have no idea what might be less work - adapting my shell script to use
integration settings (for me that would be the simplest way) or for you
to enable other teams as well depending from Vcs URL set in
> > I wonder whether it makes
> > sense to have a weekly/monthly (?) script forcing these integration
> > settings in all our repositories.
> Well, that would require a machine to run a regular job on, and a GitLab token that can be stored directly on this machine.
I'm doing this for some simple sentinel to watch new versions of R
packages[3] which is created by a simple shell script querying UDD[4]
and than updating the text file[3] in Git.
The cron job is simply something like
cd somepath/r-pkg-team/maintenance-utilities && \
git checkout --quiet master && \
git pull --quiet && \
./seek_outdated_r-packages && \
git commit --quiet -a -m"automatic update" && \
git push --quiet
You can use "deploy keys" for this purpose[5].
> Then it should be easy to write a script that enumerates the repos of the Debian Med team and sets the integrations if necessary.
> All of the code required to do that could be taken from the repo above (just a bit restructured).
That's what I assumed.
> > @Sascha: Do you think you can implement this if we decide it makes
> > sense? (If you can provide a script I'd volunteer to install it as
> > cron job.)
> Sure, I could come up with such a script. What machine do you have in mind to run the cron job on?
Kind regards
> [1] https://salsa.debian.org/satta/salsa-migration-tools/blob/master/setup-repository.rb
[2] https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/community/helper-scripts/blob/master/inject-into-salsa-git
[3] https://salsa.debian.org/r-pkg-team/maintenance-utilities/blob/master/outdated_r-packages.txt
[4] https://salsa.debian.org/r-pkg-team/maintenance-utilities/blob/master/seek_outdated_r-packages
[5] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2018/03/msg00286.html
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