[Debian-pan-maintainers] Please accept despite freeze policy - these are just metapackages (Was: debian-pan_0.4_amd64.changes is NEW)

Scott Kitterman debian at kitterman.com
Tue Feb 28 05:40:55 GMT 2023

There's no prohibition on new binaries in Experimental.  For uploads there, the freeze policy doesn't affect anything.  This doesn't even require an extra upload, because you will need a second upload to get binaries built on a build regardless of where the first one goes.

Once it's in experimental, that's the time to have a conversation with the release team and upload to unstable only if they agree on the freeze exception.  The FTP team has nothing to do with exceptions to the freeze policy.

Scott K

On February 27, 2023 7:42:51 PM UTC, Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org> wrote:
>Hi ftpmasters,
>I'm perfectly aware that we have a "no new binaries" policy currently.
>However, per nature or the Blends metapackages it makes sense to adjust
>the content of the metapackages quite in the end of the release process
>to know what will be in testing and what not.  Thus the quite late
>upload is somewhat intended (even if it should have happened some weeks
>ago and somehow slipped through).  Thus the extra note that it would be
>helpful to accept this package soon to enable smooth testing migration.
>Thanks a lot for all your work as well as your patience
>     Andreas.
>Am Mon, Feb 27, 2023 at 10:19:51AM +0000 schrieb Debian FTP Masters:
>> binary:pan-coherent-diffraction is NEW.
>> binary:pan-grazing-incidence is NEW.
>> binary:pan-imaging is NEW.
>> binary:pan-machine-learning is NEW.
>> binary:pan-modelling is NEW.
>> binary:pan-coherent-diffraction is NEW.
>> binary:pan-grazing-incidence is NEW.
>> binary:pan-imaging is NEW.
>> binary:pan-machine-learning is NEW.
>> binary:pan-modelling is NEW.
>> Your package has been put into the NEW queue, which requires manual action
>> from the ftpteam to process. The upload was otherwise valid (it had a good
>> OpenPGP signature and file hashes are valid), so please be patient.
>> Packages are routinely processed through to the archive, and do feel
>> free to browse the NEW queue[1].
>> If there is an issue with the upload, you will receive an email from a
>> member of the ftpteam.
>> If you have any questions, you may reply to this email.
>> [1]: https://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html
>>      or https://ftp-master.debian.org/backports-new.html for *-backports

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