problem with cctbx

Radostan Riedel raybuntu at
Sun Aug 5 13:30:22 UTC 2012

On Sun, 05. Aug 13:12, Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca wrote:
> Hello, 
> i just added the pristine-tar to clipper.
> now it seems that the build process of clipper produce some missing symbols from mmdb ?
> So I need to figure it out why theses symbols are missing.
> Maybe this is a problem in the configure script of clipper or maybe it is a problem introduce by the multi-archification of mmdb...
> If something else is missing do not hesitate to ask.
Thanx, I really appreciate.
> Ps: I tried to use uscan for the repack but it does not work for now.
> Indeed I saw that a new version of cctbx is already available :)).
> It would be a nice test for your gbp-pq rebase skills :)).
I didn't test it yet I just wrote it after reading the docs[1].
I'm not really sure if this is a new version. As I understand it upstream is
putting all tar's in one directory and the most recent are nightly builds. But
it's the best I can do right now.

I did some work on cctbx this weekend. I managed to remove ccp4io in favor of
libgpp4 and mmdb and I removed cbflib. cbflib_adaptbx is only working when I
compile and copy from debian's libcbf. This can only work
when the cbflib maintainer manages to solve the bug to build python-pycbf.

So as I see it the only thing left is libann which is not possible to remove.
I guess the best we can do is build and link it statically. Size of is 284K. Keeping annlib sources takes 1,3M space.

I also did some work on multiarch. I hope I did it right. I didn't try the dev
package yet.



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