Bug#946451: spyder: work on new upstream release

Drew Parsons dparsons at debian.org
Sun Jan 3 21:58:26 GMT 2021

On 2021-01-04 00:38, Julian Gilbey wrote:
> I still can't run Spyder and I don't know why not.  But I have
> built all of the dependencies and they are all on salsa; I haven't yet
> submitted ITPs for them but they are all ready to go.  (I also haven't
> checked whether anyone else has already done so, except for the
> repository that already existed in the Python teams project salsa.)
> Should I submit ITPs and upload what I have done so far?

Hi Julian, that would be fantastic if you could help get spyder back in 
order.  I've been busy wrangling the computational packages and haven't 
had time to sort through the spyder dependencies. (I don't use spyder 
directly myself, but I appreciate the role it plays helping people work 
with python).

Please do go ahead with ITPs and uploads. I'll help with ongoing 
maintenance as the upgrades come up, but I'd rather not be primary 

> python-jsonrpc-server (python3-pyls-jsonrpc) - already has ITP #964497

Pablo has been patient with us for getting this one uploaded. Let's get 
this done today.


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