[Debichem-devel] making debichem Maintainer

Michael Banck mbanck at debian.org
Sat Aug 18 10:35:46 UTC 2007

OK, one more:

On Thu, Aug 16, 2007 at 09:20:39PM +0200, Michael Banck wrote:
> <buxy> azeem: greylisting / spamassassin / clamav, the usual stuff but
> 	there's still spam going through

There's a good blog post by eddyp on how the Debian Games team got rid
of spam:


The most interesting point in this discussion is this:

* anything that came from the BTS (there are some nice headers that the
  BTS puts) and was evaluated as ham with a score of 0 (there is a field
  for that, too - some field has Spam=No, Score=...) was allowed
* anything that came from the BTS that was Spam=No with a score above 0
  was held for moderation

We should probably experiment a bit with that, but all in all, I think
it should be safe to have a list as Maintainer.  Daniel, do you have any
further objections?


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