[Freedombox-discuss] Project plan?

Charles N Wyble charles at knownelement.com
Thu Apr 21 19:09:48 UTC 2011

On 04/21/2011 12:33 PM, Eric Mill wrote:
> Hey all,
> I was a Kickstarter contributor and have so far been lurking on the
> list - and I'm wondering if any project leaders have emerged, or what
> the (concrete) plan is. The "Roadmap" page on the Freedombox site
> states what we have to do...but not anything about how to do it.

Indeed. I don't know if we have any "leaders" per se. I have posted a
plan to the list but didn't get any feedback. I'm actively hacking on a
data ownership software/configuration stack. Taking existing LAMP apps
and packaging them all together. See
wiki.knownelement.com/index.php?title=Data_Ownership for
what I have in place.

> I'm not expecting Eben to start busting out patches here, though it
> might be nice to hear from him, or anyone else with a formal role with
> the project, on the list and lay out what the next few steps are.

Check the archives. A couple posts have emerged around architecture.

I'm working on:
(producing set of debian packages for freedombox use).

Charles N Wyble charles at knownelement.com @charlesnw
Building tomorrows alternate default free zone

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