[Freedombox-discuss] Email on the FreedomBox Discussion

John Walsh fiftyfour at waldevin.com
Sat Aug 27 03:15:48 UTC 2011

 Hi Everybody,

It's my understanding that the reliability of the existing infrastructure
(power, static/dynamic IP) would affect all services on an FBX. Similarly,
disaster (don't know if its the correct word) backup procedures would have
to be in place for all services too. Please keep the strategy to address
these problems common to *all* services outside this thread. 

I would like this thread to remain focused on an email service for the FBX
and issues specific to email service. 

Keith and John you have an email server running at home. Woo Hoo. Could you
please donate your "recipes" to the FBX project here(0)?

Keith and John, in this thread I have learnt of one email-specific issue.
ISP's stop non-corporate customers from running their own email service. I
would be grateful if you could answer these questions.
A) What techniques do ISP's use to prevent users from having their own email
B) What did you do to by-pass these ISP techniques (please include in

Now, if anybody else has email specific issues or even better FBX email
recipes, please contribute. I will even write up the recipes on the FBX wiki
for you if you post your recipe to this thread ;)

(0) http://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/UserRequirements

Kind Regards

-- fiftyfour

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> freedombox-discuss-bounces+fiftyfour=waldevin.com at lists.alioth
.debian.org [mailto:freedombox-discuss->
bounces+fiftyfour=waldevin.com at lists.alioth.debian.org] On 
> Behalf Of Keith Fernie
> Sent: Saturday, 27 August 2011 12:31 AM
> To: freedombox-discuss at lists.alioth.debian.org
> Subject: Re: [Freedombox-discuss] Email on the FreedomBox Discussion
> On Fri, 26 Aug 2011 14:36:14 +0100, Abhishek Dasgupta 
> <abhidg at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I wonder if the problem will be solved by increasing IPv6 
> adoption and 
> > free static IPs. However some webmail providers (like gmail) do not 
> > support sending to servers with only IPv6 MX records.
> >
> Email over ipv6 works for me with postfix & dovecot running 
> on my desktop (OS is Squeeze).
> I've a dynamic ipv4 address & I've set up an ipv6 tunnel 
> through Hurricane Electric, running on a Dreamplug.
> This gives the Dreamplug static ipv6 addresses. Radvd running 
> on the dreamplug gives my other pc's a static ipv6 address.
> Lowest priority MX sends the email to my desktop with only an 
> ipv6 address.
> Using dual stack ipv4/ipv6 MX backup servers for when the 
> desktop's switched off and email is sent to me ipv4 only IMAP 
> is to on my desktop, not using tls or ssl.
> Outgoing email goes through one of the backup MX servers, 
> configured to accept the static ipv6 address.
> Drawbacks to using this for the freedombox are:
> 1. The source of the static ipv6 addresses is centralised, 
> other options tried give dynamic ipv6 addresses.
> 2. A router which forwards protocol 41 is required, not every 
> router does this, especially the ones supplied by my isp.
> Also configuring the router should not be expected a freedombox user.
> 3. I am running my backup MX servers, again not to be 
> expected of a freedombox user.
> Anyone any ideas for making this approach more suitable for 
> the freedombox?
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