[Freedombox-discuss] http://politics.slashdot.org/story/11/07/18/0153204/Security-Consultants-Wa rn-About-PROTECT-IP-Act

Ted Smith tedks at riseup.net
Tue Jul 19 15:45:55 UTC 2011

On Mon, 2011-07-18 at 22:45 +0000, ya knygar wrote:
> i'll not mention the possible need for ERP again:)
> what i know - there are, definitely, a lot of  existing projects in various
> states, i think - making from what's already in Debian reps is controversial
> desicion, however - why not if world needs FBox v.0 really soon.
> PS: i think - so many useful propositions and so less - actual work
> is now - only due to existence of closed for participation - - TAC list,
> or, more correctly - due to lack of understanding of infrastructure,
> it's politics,
> lack of real-time and transparent command decisions in community.
> Such an authoritarian (at least - it looks like, i know it could be called
> a kind of https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Meritocracy ,
> but if so - there won't be a closed TAC list, as there are much more
> professionals around, i guess)
> society for such a pro-freedom project, aren't, obviously,
> showing a good results.
> That's why i repeatedly propose -  a Voting system,
> and for have something to vote on there should be
> the list with propositions,
> maybe - http://www.limesurvey.org could be enough.
> maybe - something like forked https://github.com/mozilla/input.mozilla.org
> depending on the scale.
> I think - even for forming the  v0 - open voting could help.

I think the only voting system necessary is work. You can vote for a
particular problem being solved by working on its solution. There are
plenty of bounty sites where you can try to motivate others to solve
problems you are unable to solve.

A voting system now would yield lots of votes for "The FreedomBox should
communicate with other FreedomBoxes using special FreedomMicroSatellites
over a totally novel protocol that has been developed by various posters
to a mailing list," and very few votes for "The FreedomBox should send
and receive email over already-existing protocols." That's because the
latter is very hip and exciting and edgy, while the former isn't.

Additionally, I think you haven't really gotten my point if you think
that the proposals on this mailing list are "useful". They are useful to
exactly the extent that they result in a FreedomBox getting made. So
far, that means they are not at all useful, since no FreedomBox exists
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